API Spec
- Jump to:
- Contacts
- ContactLists
- Files
- Journeys
Used to access Contacts and their related Interactions
Method | URL | Description |
GET | contacts/{contactId} |
Get the details for a specific contact |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/journeys |
Get a list of a Contact's Journeys |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/communications |
Get all Communications a Contact has had with the Platform |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/journeyactivities/{journeyId} |
Get all interactions a Contact has in a given Journey |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/summary |
Get the last 10 Emails, Texts, LandingPages, WebForms, RSVPEvents and Competitions interactions this Contact has had with the Platform |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/emails |
Get a list of a Contact's Email Interactions |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/textmessages |
Get a list of a Contact's TextMessage Interactions |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/landingpages |
Get a list of a Contact's Landing Page Interactions |
GET | contacts/{contactId}/webforms |
Get a list of a Contact's WebForm Interactions |
Used to View ContactList Contacts, Schemas/Fields, as well as insert/update contacts
Method | URL | Description |
GET | contactLists |
Gets a list of ContactLists |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId} |
Get a specific ContactList |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/fields |
Get a specific ContactList's fields |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/fields/{fieldId} |
Get the details of a specific ContactList's Field |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/journeys |
Get a list of Journeys that use a specific ContactList |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/contacts |
Get a list of Contacts for a specific ContactList |
PATCH | contactLists/{contactListId}/contact |
Find all contacts within a given contactlist that match a set of values, then update their properties to given values E.G. Find all contacts with an ReferanceAccountID of 123456 and set their address to "123 Red Street, D1". |
POST | contactLists/{contactListId}/contact |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList |
POST | contactLists/contactForm |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList. Directly replaces the old api/Contact.aspx Form endpoint |
POST | contactLists/{contactListId}/import |
Create an Import job for a specific ContactList |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/import/{importJobId} |
Check the status of an Import Job belonging to a specific ContactList |
POST | contactLists/{contactListId}/import/{importJobId} |
Insert/Update a batch of Contacts in a specific Import Job belonging to a specific Contact List |
POST | contactLists/{contactListId}/import/{importJobId}/run |
Run an ImportJob for a specific ContactList, to start the batch Insert/Update process |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/linkeddata |
Get a list of Linked Data for a specific contact list |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/linkeddata/{linkedDataId} |
Get a specific Linked Data from a specific contact list |
GET | contactLists/{contactListId}/linkeddata/{linkedDataId}/fields |
Get a specific Linked Data schema's fields from a specific ContactList |
GET | contactLists/{contactListid}/linkeddata/{linkedDataId}/fields/{fieldId} |
Get the details of a specific Linked Data schema's Field |
GET | contactLists/{listId}/linkeddata/{linkedDataId}/records |
Get a specific set of Linked Data's records from a specific ContactList |
POST | contactLists/{contactListId}/registerDevice |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList, and store their DeviceID in the ContactDevice table |
GET | contactLists/serverTime |
Returns the current Server Time |
Used to manage files in the FTP folder
Method | URL | Description |
GET | files?filePath={filePath} |
Gets and returns a file as specified by the filePath parameter |
POST | files?subFolder={subFolder} |
Upload a file to the specified subFolder. The file must be attached as a Form-data value |
DELETE | files?filePath={filePath}&download={download} |
Deletes the file as specified by the filePath parameter. |
Used to access Journeys and related Reports/Activities
Method | URL | Description |
GET | journeys |
Get a List of Journeys |
GET | journeys/{journeyid} |
Get the details of a specific Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyid}/contacts |
Get a list of Contacts for a specific Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyid}/reports |
Get channel reports for a specific Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/emails |
Get an Emails Report for a specific Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/emails/{emailId}/contacts |
Get all Contacts from a given Journey who where sent a specific Email. |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/emails/{emailId}/contacts/{state} |
Get all Contacts from a given Journey who where sent a given email which is at a specified State |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/textmessages |
Get a TextMessages Report for a specific Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/textmessages/{textMessageId}/contacts |
Get all Contacts from a given Journey who where sent a specific TextMessage. |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/textmessages/{textMessageId}/contacts/{state} |
Get all Contacts from a given Journey who where sent a given TextMessage - which is at a specified State |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/landingpages |
Get a LandingPages Report for a specific Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/landingpages/{landingpageId}/contacts |
Get all Contacts from a given Journey who visited a specific Landing Page |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/reports/landingpages/{landingpageId}/contacts/{state} |
Get all Contacts from a given Journey who visited a specific Landing Page by their state in it's workflow |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/activities |
Get a list of Activities for a given Journey |
GET | journeys/{journeyId}/activities/{activityId} |
Get a specific Activity for a given Journey |
GET | journeys/{JourneyId}/activities/{activityId}/contacts |
Get a list of Contacts who participated in a specific Journey Activity |
POST | journeys/{JourneyId}/landingpages/{landingpageId}/generatePDF |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList |
POST | journeys/sendEmail |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList and send an email to the contact. |
PATCH | journeys/sendEmail |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList and send an email to the contact. |
PUT | journeys/sendEmail |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList and send an email to the contact. |
POST | journeys/sendTextMessage |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList and send an email to the contact. |
PATCH | journeys/sendTextMessage |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList and send an email to the contact. |
PUT | journeys/sendTextMessage |
Create/Update a contact in a specific ContactList and send an email to the contact. |